
About Us

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Years of Experience
Stem Cell Medical Clinic


About Us
CellMex (Stem Cell Medical Clinic) is a pioneering company dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through cutting-edge translational research, stem cell treatments, and DNA transcription technologies. With a relentless pursuit of scientific excellence, we aim to transform the way medical conditions are understood, diagnosed, and treated. Our commitment to innovation, ethical practices, and patient-centric approach sets us apart in the field of regenerative medicine.

We are a team of dedicated professionals from Cuba, Mexico, United Kingdom & the USA committed to advancing the field of regenerative medicine through cutting-edge research and translational clinical practice.

Our Mission
At CellMex, our mission is to harness the power of translational research and stem cell therapies to provide breakthrough solutions for patients facing complex medical challenges. We strive to bridge the gap between scientific discoveries and clinical applications, ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals worldwide.

Our Expertise
Translational Research:
CellMex is at the forefront of translational research, integrating scientific knowledge from various disciplines to translate laboratory discoveries into practical applications. Our multidisciplinary team of experts collaborates closely with leading researchers, clinicians, and industry partners to accelerate the translation of scientific breakthroughs into innovative medical therapies.

Stem Cell Treatments:
We specialize in state-of-the-art stem cell therapies that hold immense potential for regenerating damaged tissues, promoting healing, and restoring optimal bodily functions. Our team employs advanced techniques to isolate, expand, and differentiate stem cells to target specific conditions, such as neurodegenerative disorders, autoimmune diseases, and tissue injuries.

DNA Transcription:
Understanding the intricate mechanisms of DNA transcription is essential for unraveling the complexities of genetic diseases and developing targeted treatments. CellMex's expertise in DNA transcription allows us to explore the genetic blueprint of various conditions and develop personalized therapeutic approaches, unlocking new possibilities for precision medicine.

Ethics and Patient Care

At CellMex, ethical considerations and patient care are fundamental pillars of our work. We adhere to the highest standards of integrity, respecting the dignity, autonomy, and privacy of every individual. We prioritize patient safety throughout our research and treatment processes, ensuring strict adherence to regulatory guidelines and conducting thorough clinical trials to validate the efficacy and safety of our innovations.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We recognize that collaboration and partnerships are essential for achieving groundbreaking advancements in regenerative medicine. CellMex actively collaborates with leading research institutions, medical centers, and industry partners worldwide. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, we synergize expertise, share knowledge, and accelerate the development and dissemination of transformative treatments.

Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about CellMex, our research, or our innovative stem cell treatments, we invite you to get in touch with us:

Website: www.cellmex.org

Email: info@cellmex.org

Phone: [+52-322-308-0021]

Join us on our mission to redefine healthcare through translational research, stem cell therapies, and DNA transcription. Together, we can create a future where personalized medicine and regenerative therapies bring hope and healing to countless lives.

Statement - Translational Research

Translational Research
Involves Several Stages

Basic Scientific Research

This involves conducting laboratory-based studies to better understand the underlying mechanisms of disease and identify potential targets for therapy.

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Preclinical & Clinical Research Trials

Preclinical involves testing potential therapies in-vitro for efficacy. Clinical involves testing potential therapies in human subjects to determine safety and efficacy.


This involves implementing successful therapies into clinical practice and monitoring their effectiveness in the real world.

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Meet Our Team

People behind our success

Ian Hudson

Founder Director

Lillian Stella

Technical Director

Bret Ke Danielle

genetic Specialist

Alberto Da Silva

Senior Technician
Why Choose Us

Cellular Senescence
Stem Cell & Genetics

Stem Cell

Autologous & Embryonic

Stem Cell

Induced Pluripotent

Stem Cell

Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Gene Therapy

Correcting Faulty DNA

Gene Therapy

Genome Editing Missing Gene

DNA Transcription

Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9

Safety First

Safety On All Treatments